All I want is to play with the tiger I am also implementing my skills and experience playing with my dogs...
I did not show any kind of fear I guess I really do likes Tiger...
It first began when I was a child watching an anime movie from Disney "Alladin". Jasmine has a pet tiger and I really really want to have a tiger also ^_^.
Until now I can't believe I have had a play with a baby tiger I thought it was just a dream...
It is my 2nd time to hold a tiger but this was my first time playing with a tiger ^_^
I am really really happy but I guess I have to move and go to the next attraction T_T
By the way this tiger has a habit to bite so if you are not careful enough it might come and bit you so do not take your eyes off...
Im not sure how sharp his teeth are but what was I am thinking I do not like to have any kind of marks or regret that I would have ^_^
In the end He let me petted him "What a good TIGER"