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Flat Wall Enamel

Posted by raine - -

I have mention before about my cabinet... Last week my cousin and I have finished sanding the cabinet... Since we have finished I am going to the 2nd step which is using flat wall enamel ^_^. I have painted my cabinet
Yesterday. March 23, 2011 until today. Wish I could show you the pic. maybe next time... As for today I am taking a break ^_^. My fingers are numb, My shoulder and back was not good, and my neck T_T.
I did all the painting job. It is hard but I did enjoy... This is my first time hold a paint brush and used a real paint... I do paint when I was a kid but this is my first time to hold a heavy paint brush hehehe.
The roller for paint is so heavy and I dont like to hold it but I dont have a choice... Tomorrow I'm going to shop what I need. Now that I know what I should use ^_^
I need roller paint which is lighter than the one I have,,, I need masking tape and a new paint brush...

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