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Party time at Atlantis

Posted by raine - -

 I am here at the Bar of Atlantis which was located in Angeles City.... This bar is a night club??? Yeah! you heard me right... You can see girls wearing 2 piece or if not... They are wearing seductive dress or short pants... Sometimes you could see a good sexy dancer but sometimes if your unlucky you will not see a good one... There is no stripper in here....
 About the entrance it is totally free all you have to pay is what you have order.... If you order 1 beer you only have to pay for that... And also they are giving free popcorn...
Behind my back is a mirror which is filled with names that rang the bell for buying the girls a drink.... If you will buy their drinks they will put your name there...
 Why do I wear hat balloon, well Im just bored and I'd like to do something heheheh.... So I did a childish thing... and put it as a hat and take picture hahaha
I added this picture to show you how it works here ^_^...
I'll just repeat I dont work here and this is not my hometown hehehhe...

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