1. Eyes - you can tell by the movements of his/her eyes.
- cant look directly at you
- can look directly to your eyes but not comfortable
- shifty eyes
- blink less than normal
- different behavior when speaking
2. Words that come out.
- alibi
- have a script to tell
- cant answer your question in 3-5 seconds.
- if he knows about 3-5 seconds then he will answer you fast
3. Defensive and offensive
- They will be defensive and they can be offensive
- If you ask a question they will return it to you
- They dont want to be the topic so they shift it.
- They will define what's matter most
- They will say straight to you
- They will just return and return until you realize they dont tell a lie
5. Body Language
- They will try to do something just to avoid your eyes or question
- They will scratch their body, looking for an answer
- They will try to interrupt your conversation so he could escape
6. Hand Movement
- They will touch their face
- They will hold their own hand and play
- They will touch their hair as a sign sometimes
7. Thirst
- If there's a glass of water in front of him he will grab it and drink it.
- He will drink before he answer your question
- If he answer your fast and drink fast that means he is lying.
8. Knowing him
- Knowing him is an advantage
- you could tell by his appearance when he does something wrong
- Your instinct will tell you, you cannot trust him
9. Repetition
- Repetition of words or sentence
- repeating all over again