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doing some bird training

Posted by raine - -

So many things have happened today... I woke up early in the morning around 7am. I did have some breakfast (sopas). What is Sopas? hmmm it is a kind of soup which has a small pasta some veggies like carrot then it has some chicken, they also added some milk for the

flavoring... (I miss to drink some milk)... After I ate I went straight to my room on second floor. I did release my bird, cockatiel, from the cage and I let them play outside... I fed my little baby cockatiel bird with Cerelac as a substitute.

She doesn't like the formula of a hand fed so I tried feeding her Cerelac. Mixed vegetables or fruits in soya... Someone taught me to fed it to my bird so I did tried it for the second time and no harm has done on my bird.
After feeding her up I did some Power Pause technique for my untame white face cockatiel... He is a scaredy cock and he doesn't like my hand very much.... At first he did bite me that was the first and would be the last time....

The technique of Power Pause was easy but it will take time sometimes or it depends on the bird... What is power pause? Well I did buy some course of dvd from birdtricks and it helps me a lot... If you would like to learn some you can see at the 

bottom of my blog there was a banner just click it or if register for a free e-mail, newsletter or videos from them.... As for my training I did some progress to him ^_^.

After that I took my female cock for some tricks... 
My female cocks knows how to:
Step up
spreading of wings
turning around
shake hand

Shaking her head
Flying back to me

its all because of the course I did buy ^_^ so if you are a bird lover I would suggest to you the birdtricks down at the bottom of my blog ^_^

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